Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It can be done! Onion Candy!

I didn’t believe it possible, but you can make candy containing onions. It is candy with a specific purpose, to be sure, but still qualifies, does it not?  According to the author of the book that has given us some fun over quite a few posts, Candy-making revolutionized; confectionery from vegetables (1912,)  onion candy is a useful medicine for colds, and a nice confectionary for onion-lovers.

Onion Cold Tablets.

By supplying a more wholesome sort of confectionery, vegetable candy – at least in the eyes of its friends! - has decreased the need of household remedies for indigestion and similar ailments. On the other hand, the newly discovered candy-making brings a definite contribution to the family medicine chest. From onion can be made tablets that have the virtues assigned to our foremothers' cough syrups and even are good to eat, according to those who like the flavor of the onion.

Onion cold tablets, then, are offered both as confectionery and as a household remedy. It should be borne in mind, however, that no household remedy, however good, or tried, takes the place of the physician. The family health is too precious a commodity to be entrusted to unprofessional hands.

To make the tablets, cut into thin slices two ounces of raw onion - about half of a good sized onion, - work the onion into two cupsful of sugar and let the mixture stand for two hours. Add two-thirds of a cupful of cold water, place the mass on the fire, and let it come just to a boil. Strain the syrup so made into a granite saucepan, and add one teaspoonful of vinegar and the amount of red pepper that the point of a knife will hold. Place the mixture on the fire, and when the mass begins to boil, put a wooden cover over the pan. Continue the boiling for several minutes; thoroughly "steam down" the side of the pan. By "steaming down" the side of the pan is meant confining the steam which rises from cooking so that it will free the sides of the pan from the accumulation of the mass that is cooking.

Remove the cover, insert a thermometer, and cook the mass to three hundred and thirty-five degrees. Thereupon stir in one tablespoonful of butter, remove the mass from the fire, add one teaspoonful of salt, and baking soda the size of a large pea. Thoroughly mix the mass, and pour it between candy-bars on a well-oiled marble slab. As the confection sets, mark it off in squares, and be sure to run the knife under the whole sheet to free it from the marble. Unless the sheet is so freed from the marble it will be sure to stick so that it can be handled only with difficulty. When the mass is cooled, it will easily break into the
squares into which it has been marked. For preserving, pack the tablets in tin boxes.

For those who do not like so much red pepper, the quantity may be regulated to suit. The amount of onion used may also be increased or diminished as the taste of the candy-maker dictates.

1 comment:

SometimesKate said...

If done right, it should taste like caramelized onions, so it would be quite tasty. Though do you discard the actual onions after cooking them in the syrup? The recipe seemed a bit vague on that point.