Early Settler’s Birthday Cake.
Cream 2 cups dripping with 2 cups sugar. Add 1 emu egg, beating well. Flavour with vanilla.
Sift two teaspoons soda and 4 teaspoons cream of tartar with 6 cups flour. Add this a little at a time alternately with 2 cups milk. Add 2 cups currants.
Bake in 3 large tins in moderate oven.
Butterscotch Cake.
2 cups S.R. flour, pinch salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 cup brown sugar, ½ cup shortening, 2 eggs, ½ cup strong, cold coffee (1 tablespoon coffee essence in half cup cold water) ¼ cup milk.
Combine milk and coffee, sift flour and salt, cream butter and sugar, add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add essence, then flour alternately with liquid and beat batter until smooth.
Bake in 8 inch pans in moderate oven 25-30 minutes.
Put in saucepan and bring to the boil – 1 tablespoon butter, 1 cup stoned dates, 1 tablespoon full walnuts, 1 teaspooon carb soda, 1 cup boiling water, ¾ cup sugar.
Allow to cool and add – 1 egg well beaten, 1 cup S.R. flour, ½ cup plain flour, 1 tablespoon cocoa.
Bake 2 minutes.
Happy Australia Day, Janet! I would bake the Early Settler's Birthday Cake, but I'm not sure if I could get my hands on an emu egg! The Butterscotch Cake sounds tasty, with the use of coffee an interesting flavor option.
A belated Happy Australia Day from me too. I seem to remember reading somewhere (on the web) recently about the health benefits of emu eggs in relation to hen eggs. I'll have to see if I can dig it up.
I love these old community cookbooks :)
The Mission Loaf is a version of Manse Cake - the virtue being they keep for ever, against the moment of unexpected guests.
Hello Everyone; t.w - I am sure someone, somewhere has a conversion scale for emu eggs to hens eggs. I must find out, it would make an interesting postscript to the story.
liz louka - if you find the article, do please let us know (you send so many interesting comments - ever thought about having your own blog???)
maryann - I love them too - they are 'real' cooking not celebrity stuff.
rosemary - I've never heard of Manse Cake; thanks for the info. Another thing to find out about!
I think the emu egg thing might have been http://www.emuszine.com/Food/green_eggs,_anyone_by_maria_minnaar.htm but I'm not sure any more.
I do have my own blog, but it's not a food blog, it's baby blog, just for family and friends to keep up with. I find it hard enough to add an entry every week or so, let alone research new stuff every day like you do!
Ugh, that link got truncated. It's http://tinyurl.com/2vagvl
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