Friday, July 18, 2014

Good Fish Recipes,1914.

I am home after my (all-too-brief) travels, and have the usual post-fun catching-up with chores and emails etc. today, so my post will be brief too.

From a Queensland newspaper of one hundred years ago this month, I give you some Good Fish Recipes.

Fish Balls.
Ingredients.- Fourteen ounces of mashed potatoes, 5 oz. of cold boiled slat fish, 2 oz. of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of milk, salt, pepper, 1 egg, breadcrumbs.
Method.- Melt the butter in the hot potatoes; add the milk, seasoning, and the fish free from bones; mix thoroughly form into balls, roll them in beaten egg and breadcrumbs, and fry in deep, very hot fat. When nicely browned, put on paper to drain. Serve garnished with parsley.

Lobster Pudding.
Ingredients.- One tin of lobster, 3 ½ oz. of breadcrumbs, 1 oz. of suet, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful  of anchovy sauce, cayenne.
Method.- Drain the liquid from the tin of lobster; chop it up lightly, mix with other ingredients, put into a buttered basin, and bile for one hour. Turn out onto a hot dish, and serve with white sauce or melted butter.

Salmon Pie.
Ingredients.- One tin salmon, 3 oz. grated cheese, 1 tablespoonful of vinegar, cayenne, salt, breadcrumbs.
Method.- Butter a flat dish, spread the salmon on it with vinegar, cayenne, and salt; put a sprinkling of cheese, then breadcrumbs, on top; bake from 15 to 20 minutes.

The Western Champion and General Advertiser for the Central-Western Districts

(Barcaldine, Qld), 25 July, 1914.

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