About Me.

I am enthusiastic about food and food history, and love to write about it. Every weekday I give you a short story on a food history topic - always including at least one historic recipe, and sometimes a historic menu. And how much fun is that!

I began this blog on October 31, 2005, with the intention of posting every Monday to Friday (including holiday days) without fail. I am proud to say I have not missed a day - and by the end of 2014 will have written over 2,500 posts! More often than not, more than one recipe is included (sometimes quite a few more) so the recipe count is in the many thousands.

I am the author of several books with a food history theme, and hope you read and enjoy them too! 


  1. bravo...i smiled all the way through your sheeps trotter recipe and had to lol at one of the comments following your recipe, asking about six or eight feet...

  2. I have just discovered your page when looking up 'quiddany' a word mentioned in my 'Ladies Compnion' of 1753.
    Thank you - your page is delightful.
    Muriel Brown

  3. Thanks for doing this! In researching significant events for April 17, I came upon Pineapple Cheese. Up you popped with your informative and hilarious piece about Mr. Norton in Troy, PA!

  4. Wow! I just stumbled upon your blog looking for some insight into timbales, for an article I'm planning. What a delight, I'll be reading often. Thank you.

  5. I am so, so delighted to have found your page, and am sure looking back through your posts that I am going to look forward eagerly to each new one!

  6. I have followed your blog sporadically since 2008 when I began blogging. Something I have thought of often but have failed to ask is whether or not you prepare the recipes. I don't seem to recall reading about you trying them or if I did, I don't remember.
    I truly enjoy the food history. I was just curious about your preparing them.

  7. Hi Vicki. I almost never prepare them - although I do use them for inspiration sometimes. in their original form they are often too rich or stodgy or not to my daily-meal taste. I love reading about them though, and researching them - there is always something to learn, and. It all informs what we do - one way or another.

  8. Thank you for your blog. I have only just discovered it & am enjoying it enormously.

  9. I just found this wonderful blog and cannot stop reading it! Spring cleaning can wait.
