Wednesday, November 19, 2014

French Veterans Dinner, 1911.

It is a while since I gave you a menu, and as stories with a military theme seem particularly popular, today I give you the details of a dinner given to French veterans in 1911.

Banquet Des VétéransDes Armées De Terre & De Mer

DéjeunerDe 19 Novembre 1911

Hors d’Œuvres Parisiens

Suprême de Cabillaud Trouvillaise

Poulet de Grain, sauté Forestière

Aloyau à la Broche

Petits Pois à l’Étuvée
Puddings au Rhum
Fruits – Desserts

Rouge et Blanc en Carafes
Café – Fine
SURAT Hotel de Grand Cerf

As the recipe for the day, I give you Baba au rhum, or madeira, or brandy:-

Take four ounces of flour, a table-spoonful of yeast, and half a tumbler of tepid water; make a soft paste with those ingredients, and let it rise to three times its first volume. Then take fourteen ounces of flour, fourteen ounces of butter, ten eggs, and a tumbler of tepid milk. Knead the whole quickly together; it should be very thin. Add then two ounces of pounded sugar, a wine-glassful of Madeira, Malaga, or rum, four ounces of stoned raisins, and two ounces of candied cedrat, cut in thin slices, a tea-spoonful of saffron, and the first paste. Knead quickly together, and try to incorporate the yeast in every portion of the second paste. Butter a mould, put the baba into it, and be careful not to fill up more than one-third of the mould. Put it in a warm place, and let it rise for six hours; then bake it in a hot oven, and serve cold.
It requires about an hour's baking.
The proportions given above would give a very large cake; the quantities may be reduced to one half.

Cookery for English Households, by a French lady (1864)

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