Monday, April 16, 2012

Unusual Cake Day.

(Posts for the next few days will be minimalist while I patiently endure the restoration of my files to my new computer, from wherever it is they are stored in cyberspace.)

I am interested in what one era or group considers 'unusual', and for the next couple of days I want to share a few 'unusual' recipes with you. Today's recipe was certainly considered unusual by the Tasmanian newspaper which published it in 1937, if we are to judge by the header. I dont know what, exactly, was considered out-of-the-ordinary about the cake - perhaps the inclusion of cold water in the mix? The name is certainly intriguing and appealing.

An Unusual Cake.
Angelskin Cake

cream together a quarter of a lb. of butter and 3/4 cp of sugar, then add half a cup of cold water gradually, mixing thoroughly. Sift in half a lb. of self raising flour, and lastly add to the mixture two well-beaten eggs and any preferred flavoring. Bake in a moderate oven, and when cold, ice all over and decorate with cherries.
The Advocate (Tasmania), 1937

And, as a bonus, another 'unusual' cake recipe from the same newspaper source, in the edition of January 1941.

An Unusual Picnic Cake.
In a well-greased tin spread 1 cup of brown sugar, and dot with pieces of butter. Cover with 4 or 5 medium-size apples, peeled and thinly sliced; over this sprinkle 1 tablespoon of water and then cover all with this mixture: 2 egg-yolks, 1 1/4 cup bran, 1 cup flour, 1/3 cup water, 1 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon essence, pinch salt, 2 egg-whites. Whisk egg-yolks and beat in half of the water, then sugar and essence. Mix the flour, bran, baking powder, salt, and half of egg mixture. Then add remaining water, followed by remainder of dry ingredients, lastly folding in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake 30 minutes in moderate oven. When baked, turn upside down on plate, spread with white or chocolate butter icing, and sprinkle with colored jelly crystals.

Quotation for the Day.
A cake is a very good test of an oven: if it browns too much on one side and not on the other, it's not your fault - you need to have your oven checked.
Delia Smith.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your computer adventure! I hope everything goes well and you'll be back at no time. Love your blog!
