Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thomas Tryon, Ep.3

Thomas Tryon, our food guru for the week, included many ideas for eggs in Wisdom’s Dictates (1696). A number of his Seventy Five Noble Dishes contain raw eggs, which I cannot bring myself to eat no matter how strong the recommendation. I am, however, delighted that he includes eggs fried, poached, boiled, and roasted. Here are his ideas 6- 11.

6. Eggs, Parsley and Sorrel, mixed or stirred together, and Fried in a Pan with Butter and a little Salt, and when done, melt some Butter and Vinegar and put on them, but you must not put too great a quantity of Herbs, for then it will render it more heavy and dull in Operation; this is a Noble and most delicious Dish and it affords a good nourishment, provided you eat not too much in quantity.
7. Eggs beaten together and Fried with Butter, and when done, melt some Butter and Vinegar and put over them is also a delightful and pleasant Dish, being much better and easier of Digestion, than the common way of Frying Eggs, as being lighter and more tender.
8. Eggs Poached, and some Parsly boiled and cut small, and mixed with some Butter and Vinegar melted, makes a very fine Dish and gives great satisfaction to the stomach, supplying Nature with Nourishment to the highest degree, and is very grateful to the Palate.
9. Eggs boiled in their Shells, and Eggs roasted, the last being the best, and eaten with Bread and Salt, or with Bread, Butter and Salt, is a good substantial Food; also Eggs broken and Butter’d over the Fire, is a good Food, being eaten with store of Bread.
10. Eggs being mixed with various sorts of Fruits, with butter and bread made into Pies, is a sort of delicious Food, that a Man may give himself the Liberty to Eat now and then to great satisfaction, and not detriment to Nature, provided it be not too often.
11. Eggs Poached, and eaten with a Dish of boiled Spinnage Buttered, is a good Food, and affords agreeable Nourishment, being eaten with plenty of good bread.

Quotation for the Day

Refrain at all times from such Foods as cannot be procured without violence and oppression.
Thomas Tryon.


  1. Interesting that he recommends what must be a precursor of our black butter on the various egg dishes. A classic combination.

  2. I am constantly reminded that there is nothing really new under the sun! This is why I love these old food books.
