Friday, July 03, 2009

All Ahead for Independence Day.

I was going to do an extra Saturday post tomorrow especially for my American friends on their national day, but I realised that I will be having far too much fun at my sister’s wedding. So here is my offering, posted well ahead of time (especially as it is almost two days ahead in my target country) - which makes sense anyway as it gives you chance to plan ahead for a retro feast.

Here, for your delectation, are a couple of patriotic salads to go alongside your barbecued steaks and sausages, from the wartime book (1918) Wheatless and Meatless Days, by Pauline Partridge.

Stars and Stripes Salad.
3 cold cooked beets
1 small onion finely chopped
¼ cup chopped nuts
½ cup chopped celery or 1 teaspoon celery salt
6 chopped radishes
2 sliced hard cooked eggs
French dressing.
Slice the beets and mix with onion, celery, nuts, radishes and eggs.
Arrange on lettuce, pour on French dressing, and serve.

Salad Independence.
3 small tomatoes
2 small green peppers
¼ cup chopped celery
½ small can pimentos
French dressing
Wash tomatoes, pour boiling water over them and allow to stand one minute, drain, and slice. Pour boiling water over peppers, allow to stand 5 minutes, drain, remove seeds and cut peppers into strips. Chop the pimentos very fine and mix with the celery. Put slices of tomato on the lettuce, sprinkle with celery and pimento mixture, garnish with strips of green pepper, add French dressing, and serve.

Quotation for the Day.

Salad freshens without enfeebling and fortifies without irritating.
Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826)

1 comment:

  1. I do like the addition of French dressing in the first salad, since the French were such an important ally in the war for independence. I guess that's culinary verisimilitude!
