Thursday, January 29, 2009

Melbourne Puds.

Today it is the turn of Melbourne (the state capital of the state of Victoria) to feature in our series of recipes named for Australian cities and towns. There has been a longstanding rivalry (enmity, often) between Australia’s two larges cities of Melbourne and Sydney ever since Australia’s earliest days. There are many points of competition (neither city has ever really gotten over not being picked as the nation’s capital city) – important points such as which is the largest, wealthiest, and most cultured, and absolutely vital points such as which has the best football code, the best beer brand, and the best restaurants.

At risk of appearing to take sides, when it comes to the battle of the recipe-names, Melbourne seems to win hands down – at least in terms of quantity. As a citizen of Brisbane I would not care to hazard a guess as to why this is – my job is merely to give you the recipes and let you make up your own mind.

Once again, these named dishes are all sweet ‘puddings’.

Melbourne Bread and Butter Pudding.
Slices of brown or white bread and butter (about 3 to 4 oz.)
Ratafia flavouring.
2 oz. sultanas
2 eggs
1 pint milk.
1 to 1 ½ tablespoonfuls sugar.
Stale or freshly cut butter can be used. Wash, pick over and dry the sultanas. Divide the bread and butter into convenient-sized pieces, put half of them into a pie-dish and sprinkle with sugar and sultanas.
Beat up the eggs, mix them with the milk, and add a few drops of flavouring. Pour some over the bread and butter in the dish, then add the remainder of the slices and the egg and milk. Leave to soak for an hour or so, then bake in a moderately hot over until set, being careful not to let the pudding boil.
From: New Standard Cookery Illustrated, by Elizabeth Craig, 1933.

Melbourne Nut Fruit Batter.
4 oz. sultanas
1 oz. almonds
2 eggs
1 pint milk
½ lb. flour
pinch salt.
Sieve the flour and salt into a basin. Make a well in the centre. Add the beaten eggs mixed with the milk by degrees. Leave the batter to stand for an hour or so. When ready to bake, stir in the sultanas and the almonds, the latter blanched and cut up previously, and the former washed, picked, and dried. Turn into a previously greased pie-dish and bake for 1 hour. Serve with castor sugar.
From: New Standard Cookery Illustrated, by Elizabeth Craig, 1933.

Melbourne Pancakes.
Mix two breakfastcupfuls of flour, 2 breakfastcupfuls or sour milk, 2 eggs, and ½ level teasponful of salt into a smooth batter, and let stand for 1 ½ hours. Then add 2 oz. melted butter and 1 good teaspoonful of carbonate of soda previously dissolved in a little hot water. Fry the pancakes in hot lard, pile them one above another with a thick layer of ripe fruit (mashed and sweetened) between them. Sprinkle with sugar, and serve.
The Australasian Cookery Book, circa 1915

And finally, a recipe sent by Jo in Toowoomba (which is in Queensland!). It is from the Digger Cookery Book (140 Recipes for Making Good Cooks Better). Thanks Jo!

Melbourne Pudding (no eggs):- One cup flour, 1 cup breadcrumbs (wheatmeal or white), 1 cup sugar, 1 cup suet (finely chopped), ½ teaspoon baking powder. Mix all together, then add 1 tablespoon jam. Lastly, 1 small teaspoon of baking soda in small cup of milk. Steam for 2 hours. Serve with boiled custard.

Quotation for the Day …

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may work.

1 comment:

  1. Those pancakes sound good - if a little messy. I might try them next time I feel like making pancakes.
