Monday, July 30, 2007

Camel Stew.

My friend Marj sent me the following recipe in response to my earlier post today. It is attributed to the Australian bush painter Jack Absalom, and appeared in one of the bush cookbooks he published.

The recipe appears, with one small variation or another, in various other places - places where there are plenty of camels that is!

Camel Stew.

3 medium sized camels
1 ton salt
1 ton pepper
500 bushels of potatoes
200 bushels of carrots
3000 sprigs of parsley
2 small rabbits.

Cut camels into bite-sized pieces. This should take about two months.
Cut vegetables into cubes (another two months)
Place meat in pan and cover with 1000 gallons of brown gravy.
Shovel in pepper and salt to taste.
When meat is tender, add vegetables.
Simmer slowly for 4 weeks.
Garnish with parsley.
Will serve 3800 people.
If more are expected, add two rabbits.


  1. When you make this one, I'd like to document it :).

  2. Just let me know when you are coming to Brisbane Gillian, and we'll do it together! I must look out for a big pot.

  3. In Kenya, there is a similar recipe for elephant stew and is equally funny!
