Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Pavlova: More on the Mystery!

I have just been informed of a New Zealand recipe for Pavlova dated 1933, which pre-dates the Aussie claim by 2 years. This is interesting news indeed.

Bron at Bron Marshall Classic & Creative Cuisine has sent the correction, you can read her full post HERE, but she summarises by saying:

"The recipe was submitted by a Laurina Stevens for the Rangiora Mother’s Union Cookery Book, it was called “Pavlova” - the correct name, the recipe was for one large cake and contained the correct ingredients, egg white, sugar, cornflour, and vinegar, and it had the correct method for cooking. This has been proven thanks to the research of Professor Helen Leach, of the University of Otago’s anthropology department. Prof Leach also uncovered a 1929 pavlova recipe in a New Zealand rural magazine which had the correct ingredients and correct method of cooking, however it was unfortunately published under a pseudonym."

Bron goes on to give a great recipe for a Pavlova, accompanied by some mouth-watering pictures.

Thanks Bron!

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