Friday, May 12, 2006

Advance Holiday Postings.

The Old Foodie will be away attending her son's wedding in Greece (and how much fun is that!) from today 12th May to Monday 29th May.

So as not to disappoint, a little story has still been written for each day.

The Old Foodie expects you to do the honourable thing, and not read them in advance.

On the correct day, simply click on the title of the story, and you will be taken there instantly.

May 12th: To Pickell Walnuts Green.

May 15th: Bordeaux and the rest

May 16th: Saintly Pastry.

May 17th: Delights of Mafeking

May 18th: First, Coffee.

May 19th: Pork, Pease, and Pie?

May 22nd: The Elegance of Beans.

May 23rd : Several Seville Suggestions.

May 24th: Fat Cake for the Queen.

May 25th: Lettuce Revisited

May 26th: A Great Culinary Mystery

May 29th: Mint on the Mountain

Until we meet again: Happy Feasting, From The Old Foodie.

P.S emails may or may not be answered during the holiday, so please be patient while you wait for a response to your comments and questions.

Quotation for the Day ..

One of the gladdest moments of human life, methinks, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of habit, the leaden weight of routine, the cloak of many cares and the slavery of home, man feels once more happy.
Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890)


  1. Ohhhhhh... I wondered where you were! I'll bet you've had a grand time and I'm very jealous. Welcome home, O.F.

  2. you are going to have a great time in Greece. Enjoy!

  3. you are going to have a great time in Greece. Enjoy!
